Storage Shelf Technical Description


1. Design basis standard ① Code for design of GB50017-2003 steel structures Technical specification for GB50018-2002 cold-formed thin-walled steel structures ③ Technical conditions for welded steel structure shelves in JB/T5323-91 warehouse ④ Code for structural loads of GB50009-2001 buildings ⑤. 5GB50011-2001 Code for Seismic Design of Buildings ⑥, 6CECS23:90 steel shelf structure design specifications ⑦. 7ZBJ83015-89 Design Specification for High-rise Shelf Warehouse

2012 Management Spring Tour


On March 3, 2012, the company organized the management to go to Conghua Hot Spring and worked out the work plan and goals for 2012 there, hoping that everyone would work together to develop the company.

Constructing Ningbo Modern International Logistics Center


Commercial Daily News (Reporter Fan Hong) Since the opening of the Fourth Session of the 14th CPPCC, the majority of CPPCC members, CPPCC participating units, special committees and sector groups have actively performed their duties and made suggestions through proposals. As of 12 noon yesterday, the conference had received 632 suggestions in the form of proposals. Among them, 556 proposals were made by CPPCC members, accounting for 88% of the total; 76 collective proposals were made by municipal democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, relevant people's organizations, special committees of the CPPCC, and sector groups, accounting for 12% of the total.
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